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Judges 19 Part 2
He won her heart.
This is sequel of my previous blog with title Judges 19 This is not a love story.
There was a Levite goes a long the way traveled from Ephraim to Bethlehem to win his unfaithful concubine’s heart who had left him back to her father house.
His father in low welcome him, gave him a privilege to him to stay, they eat and drink together, and let this man bring his daughter goes with him.
Judges 19 16-20. Mask.
And, behold, there came an old man from his work out of the field at night. He saw a wayfaring man in the street of the city. This old man, finally knew his stranger’s destination “the house of the LORD,” so that he brought him into his house.
Society has many to offer those who win other’s heart. Our Levite won the heart of his father in low once, now he is winning the old man heart buy telling him that he comes from a good society, that his destination is the house of the Lord.
In phrase 19 he expressing himself as a good man, as he saying “We have both straw and fodder for our donkeys and bread and wine for ourselves your servants—me, your maidservant, and the young man with us. We don't need anything."
Gee, how boastful he is! As we know that Levite has nothing to boast off, because he works only for the temple. In Number 18:23, it says……. They (Levite) will receive no inheritance among the Israelites. Why he said those kinds of words? To reassure the old man that they will not bother him?
The old man, brought them into his house. They were making they hearts merry in the house. Each of them put on their mask.
Judges 19 22-24. What father offered his daughter to Libertines, and why?
While they were enjoying themselves, some of the wicked men of the city surrounded the house. Here they face reality. The nation without rule, everyone did as he saw fit. Our old man fit his mask as a good hospitable man to his guest. His hospitality code turned to fanaticism. Perhaps our old man remember what it is written in Deuteronomy 14: 27, and do not neglect the Levites living in your towns, for they have no allotment or inheritance of their own, but neglect protecting his own daughter. Well, I think he puts on his mask so seriously, that’s why he forgot who he really is. He is not Israelite!
And the same case of our Levi. See that the Libertines asking for man. Not women, not a girl, not a virgin! The Levite is male, and so his servant is. Of course he knows that homosexual practice is wrong. He read Bible! He recites Bible to all the people of Israel, that’s what he does everyday. But something wrong, these two men were selfish. They didn’t want to get hurt themselves.
Judges 19:25-30
The man gives his concubine to them. He lost his goal at the first place, that he traveled a long the way to win her heart. May be it was not love that fill his heart when he decided to go to his father in low place. But it was not for integrity for sure. He is a Levite, he knows very well having a concubine does not follow God’s law, although it was right in their society in his time. He stopped let God lead him. He becomes master of his own.
The lady “valentine” was raped, abused, by Libertines, and they let her go at daybreak. This lady put herself as a servant. She did what her master asked her to do, after finished the task his master had given her, she went back to the house. She comes back to the man that already won her heart, a prince who talked nicely to her father, and to the one that her father believes can take care of her. But what was she found? The door was locked! His “valentine” prince went to bed, closed the door, and didnot even think about what might happen to her.
When her master got up in the morning and opened the door of the house, there lay his concubine, fallen in the doorway of the house, with her hands on the threshold. I would ask “Where is the love?” A man got up in the morning; prepare everything to continue his journey found his concubine helplessly lying at his doorstep. Can he imagine what had happened to her?!! His mask of Godly living bring others to disaster.
When he found out the girl is dying, he put her on his donkey and set out for home. When he reached home, he cut up her, limb by limb. 12 parts! How cruel he is. And…., he sent those parts of her bodies into all the areas of Israel.
This is really not a love story.
Lord, when I have a hammer like YOU, every problem becomes a nail. =)
- erick's blog
- 3901 reads
Valentine yang TERBUANG !!
Selir tidak punya hak
Lord, when I have a hammer like YOU, every problem becomes a nail. =)
Erick: lepas dan terima dia
Dear Erick,
Saya jadi terpikir apakah post ini ada korelasinya dengan kepergian Gedalia = ) Rasanya kamu agak gloomy, sendu dan syahdu (sendu beneran bukan senang/syayang duit) = )
Kalau bener begitu, saya cuma mau bilang aja bahwa saya tidak menahan kepergian Gedalia karena ada beberapa hal yang saya tangkap dari tulisan2nya yang terakhir. Dia tidak seperti Rusdy yang tetap mau bertumbuh bersama sehingga muncul post "Sabda Space Terlalu Banyak Berdebat". Dia tidak seperti Josua, Puput Manis, JF yang biarpun berasa "gerah" tapi tetap bersedia saling mengasah. BTW, saya ngga setuju sama komentar yang bilang Rusdy maunya di comfort zone. Tulisan itu membuktikan ketidakbenarannya.
Saat dia sudah tidak lagi ingin bersama2 dengan kita dan kamu sudah melakukan segala hal yang kamu bisa untuk menahan kepergiannya, maka mungkin itu waktu untuk melepas dia pergi. Saat dia sudah memutuskan bahwa kita tidak cukup baik baginya, akan sulit baginya untuk melihat kekurangindahannya sendiri sehingga apapun yang kita lakukan untuk menahannya malah mungkin akan membuatnya semakin ingin pergi karena yang terlihat di matanya terutama adalah ketidakindahan kita.
Mungkin setelah berpisah dia dan kita justru jadi bisa belajar banyak hal sehingga masing2 saling memperbaiki diri. Pelajaran kan ngga hilang hanya karena orangnya sudah tidak ada. Satu yang kita harus ingat, meskipun kita membiarkan dia pergi, jangan sampai kita tidak menyambut ataupun menerimanya saat dia kembali.
Meninggalkan itu biasa Erick, tapi belajar menerima kembali itu baru luar biasa = ) Karena relasi adalah salah satu hal yang berlangsung hingga kekekalan dan akan dipulihkan sempurna sama Tuhan nanti, sambil menanti itu terjadi yah kita isi aja hari2 dengan membuat kisah yang baru. Apa yang sudah terjadi ngga bisa diapa2kan lagi, tapi kita bisa menulis kisah yang baru tentang dia dan kita = )
OK Erick, kira2 tambah sendu ngga nih kalo saya mau gali soal Erickah, hehehe....
Xaris d'explorer
Postku ini, boleh di hubung-hubungkan dengan kepergian GL, hilangnya Lisbeth atawa kekacauan yang ada di SS akhir-akhir ini(everyone did as he saw fit).
Bagaimana kamu bisa bilang bahwa dia bukan 1 domba yang hilang? GL ga tau dimana kandangnya padahal dia pernah tinggal disana. Dia bahkan engga bisa membaui baunya sendiri untuk pulang ke kandangnya. Dia cari sesuatu, carinya ga disatu tempat, di banyak tempat, bahkan di area yang berbahaya baginya.
Semua boleh datang dan pergi kok. Cuma aja aku masih tetap mencari mereka.... ga tau k'napa.
Xaris kamu seperti Dora d' explorer yah.... blogger di ss bisa kamu sebut 1 per 1 tepat dengan posisi mrk.
Oh yah, aku menamakan diri sudah dapet ijin dari Pak Cik.
Kamu mau bahas soal Erickah?
Anaknya Pak Tumpal yang kerjanya nguber-nguber binatang: kucing, anjing, kupu-kupu, cicak, kelinci, bahkan tikus!!!
(Kalo nguber tikus katanya untuk makanan ular peliharaan mereka)
Erickah lagi nagih berenang...., cuma cuaca lagi ga baik untuk Erickah berenang.
*Baca nama Erickahnya biasa aja...... (Sambil hormat ke Pak Tumpal,...cara tulis namanya beda pak...)
Lord, when I have a hammer like YOU, every problem becomes a nail. =)
Erick: Luke 15
Allo Erick,
Akhirnya bisa juga main lagi ke sini, hujan dan tugas akhir tahun rupanya lebih kuat daripada badan saya yang mungil. Ehm... debatable sih term "petite"-nya... Maklum salah satu panggilan sayang saya dulu di kelompok penggemar alam adalah "Gerombolan Si Berat". Tapi banyak juga yang bilang saya "kecil". Mungkin kata penghalus "pendek". All in all, kamu boleh bebas sebebas-bebasnya menginterpretasikan term2 itu = D
Erick, saya suka dengan perumpamaan yang dengan rajin dicatat dokter Lukas di Lukas 15. The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, The Prodigal Son. Semuanya tentang umatNya yang dalam perjalanan pilgrim mereka pulang ke Rumah sempat terhilang. Dua yang pertama serupa-tapi-tak-sama kisahnya. Tapi yang ketiga lebih berbeda.
Koin yang hilang memang harus dicari karena dia tidak bisa melakukan apa2 kecuali menunggu pemiliknya menemukannya. Domba yang kehilangan arah juga harus dicari karena domba (katanya) binatang yang tidak tahu arah, makanya mudah tersesat. Tapi anak yang boros harus "came to his senses" (v. 17) untuk pulang ke rumah.
Saya tidak menganggap Dia-mu domba karena domba tidak tahu arah mana yang benar. Saya analogikan dengan orang2 yang tidak tahu mana pengajaran yang benar sehingga menuntun mereka kembali pada Kebenaran yang sejati. Mereka rindu untuk pulang seperti si domba yang dalam embikannya terus berseru, "Olala, please tolong aku kembali ke kandang yang bau tapi nikmat itu..." Tapi dengan pengetahuan yang mereka miliki, mereka tetap belum bisa melihat signpost2 yang dipasang Gembala di sepanjang jalan yang seharusnya bisa menuntun mereka kembali.
Saya menganggap Dia-mu sebagai anak bungsu itu. Banyak tulisan2 dan komentar2nya yang menunjukkan bahwa harta Ayah kita ada berlimpah padanya. Dia bisa menuntun orang lain ke arah yang benar karena harta itu. Kalau sekarang Dia-mu itu tidak lagi di salah satu rumah yang di bumi dan melanglang buana hingga ke tempat2 berbahaya untuk memamerkan atau menghabiskan harta Ayahnya, itu adalah pilihan yang dia sadari. Dia-mu mungkin mencari "her home" dari satu tempat ke tempat lain padahal "home" itu hanya ada nanti waktu Kristus datang kembali atau menjemput Dia-mu pulang. Hingga Dia-mu comes to her senses, there will be nothing I would do but to prepare myself in welcoming her comeback.
All my comments are based on what I know about her. From her writings. From her comments. From her written reactions. But then again, perhaps you know her MORE and BETTER. And so you can identify that she is a lost sheep instead of a prodigal daughter. In that case, then I am sorry for all I've said and done to her. If God gives me a chance to make it up with her, I will be grateful. I've still got more things to say, Erick, but I'll end it here. Acting as a father whose son left him, I will take care of what is left while waiting for the lost to come back = )
Erickah sounds quite like myself, I'd love to see her pictures if you and her father do not mind sharing it with me = ) You see, we, Erickah, Sandra Bullock and I, are Miss Congeniality and we must stick closely together, hehehe....
Analogi anak hilang
D'aupres moi, tu n'es pas petit ni gross come obelix :)
Dockter Lukas memang sangat detai dalam menulis sesuatu. Banyak dokter yang begitu. Ok, alasan bisa diterima kalau kamu menganalogikan Dia-ku sebagai anak yang hilang.
Untuk sementara ini, aku ga akan cari, cuma tunggu, dia ada keinginan untuk kembali, dan benar akan kembali. (Kaya anak kecil banget ga sih????)
Maka,.... kalau Dia baca, kembalilah, karena banyak yang akan membuka tangan, dan mau belajar dari Dia.
Some of u'r points brings me out of the subject of my posting "Judges 19".
Erickah sounds quite like myself, I'd love to see her pictures if you and her father do not mind sharing it with me = ) You see, we, Erickah, Sandra Bullock and I, are Miss Congeniality and we must stick closely together, hehehe....
Nope, i do mind.
Lord, when I have a hammer like YOU, every problem becomes a nail. =)