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murasawa's picture

The route of the
journey from Pilate’s judgment hall to Calvary is not known, owing to the fact
that neither location can be identified with certainty. The modern Via Dolorosa
in Jerusalem is the traditional way to the cross. This tradition assumes that
the trial before Pilate took place in the Tower of Antonia, immediately north
of the Temple area, and that the modern Church of the Holy Sepulcher stands
upon the site of ancient Golgotha. This traditional identification can be
traced back no farther than the time of Constantine in the 4th century.
(Grabbed from SDA Bible Commentary Series)


Kemarin saat dapat bimbingan oleh dokter di
bagian rehabilitasi medik, ada pertanyaan tanda-tanda radang. Kami bingung
soalnya dokternya terbalik-balik dalam mengartikan 4 tanda radang klasik:
kalor-rubor-tumor-dolor. Dolor artinya nyeri, ada temanku yang menyarankan
memakai Via Dolorosa untuk mengingatkan bahwa dolor artinya nyeri. Sisanya:
kalor = panas, rubor = merah, tumor = bengkak.


Selamat Paskah!

Manado, 1025200308.

Mulyadi's picture

Sama Judul Postingan Blog Kita :)

Aku juga barusan posting tulisan yang judulnya sama dengan judul tulisan ini. Bukan karyaku sendiri sih. Cuma mereview aja dari Mansor Tahun lalu. Keep blogging bor. Gbus
Ruth's picture

Kerennnnnn.......... Met

Kerennnnnn.......... Met Paskah juga!!!Gbu!