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sweetyimel's picture

Malpraktek di SS

Niat hati cuma komen, eh malah dibilang cemen

Salah sweety mau beli, yg nitip jualan eh bilang ora sudi

Jadi gimana donk jek, ya sudahlah everything is gonna be OK!


Pasang muka beda plus ganti nama eh si dokter murka

Dia bilang tak beritikad baik untuk berkomunikasi scr terbuka

murasawa's picture


The route of the
journey from Pilate’s judgment hall to Calvary is not known, owing to the fact
that neither location can be identified with certainty. The modern Via Dolorosa
in Jerusalem is the traditional way to the cross. This tradition assumes that
the trial before Pilate took place in the Tower of Antonia, immediately north