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Weary in well-doing

erick's picture

“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

(Luke 10:41-42)

Dear Lord, help me say yes to what is most important to You. Give me wisdom to know and courage to say no at the right time.

Lord, help me to correct what it is wrong in me. I know will not easy for me to get ride that bad attitude in a cling of eyes, but with you no problems cannot be solved. Gives me a tender heart, and a willing to be corrected.


Lord, when I have a hammer like YOU, every problem becomes a nail. =)

Rusdy's picture

Prioritas Hidup

Amin amin! Tersering kali kita lupa yang terpenting dalam melayani Tuhan. Bukannya semata-mata 'sibuk' di gereja, tetapi terlebih lagi FirmanNya untuk setiap manusia