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Prayer that Answered

erick's picture

The most important part of prayer is what we do with God’s answers and how His answers affect us.

He expects us to be prepared to act or to be acted upon by His answer to our prayer.

The way He answers reveals to us His sovereign will, His plan, His reasoning, and His perspective on the subject.

Every prayer request, no matter how large or small, always ushers us into our next state.

We pray, God answers, and we then decide what to do with His answers. Through all His answers, God’s desires are always that we step into the next room of forgiveness, joy, christlikeness, include our being restored to this state, But We Must Accept His Answer.

People respond in various ways to God’s answers.There are many different responses:

1.The choice of witnessing.

When Anna Prayed to see the Messiah; and when God answered her prayers at baby Jesus’ circumcision, she went out and told everyone.

2.The choice of keeping for it self

Simeon’s after he saw the Messiah said “Now I am ready to die.”


3. The reaction of disbelief.

When the early Christians were praying for Peter’s release from prison, they could not believe that God really had answered their prayer, thinking it was his ghost knocking at the gate. Peter’s prayers on the rooftop were answered by God in a vision he did not understand at the time.

4. The choice of acceptance

Paul and Silas prayed and sang in the prison, and God answered by sending an earthquake that opened all the doors and broke the prisoner’s chains.Paul choose three times for his thorn in the flesh to be removed, but he accepted God’s answer –no- and settled down to a life of promised power, strength, and sufficient grace.


Lord, when I have a hammer like YOU, every problem becomes a nail. =)