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Where We Are... : 3. 26 June 2010

minmerry's picture


Welcome to my journal, which aku menghilang for almost two week,

26 June. Seremban Train to Kuala Lumpur.



The train arrived at 9.45 something. And after two nights not to sleep well, mostly in train I just slept like a baby. You know, …after having a shoulder to lay on, I don’t have to bring my teddy bear everywhere now. Haha.

Kuala Lumpur

About one hour later, I’ll be arrived at Kuala Lumpur Station. And this trip is not for shopping, not to search something to bring it home. Nope.


So, when I passed Chinatown, everything is not sparked as usual.


Arrived at KL Train Station.

Walked to Wisma Methodist.


Back to china town.

Search Wisma Methodist.

Find it.


A lot of walking. Till hurted.

Meet the Wisma’s guard.

Meet the officer.

Rent a room for three person.

Entered the room.

The room was nice, clean and big. Cheap.

Had a “mandi bebek”


Go to Chinatown foodcourt for lunch.

Go to KLCC.

Go to Kinokuniya.

Bought another one John Grogan’s book.

Suryani bought a lot of book. Bravo.

A lot of walked.

Hurt so badly. Thank God I used flat shoes, thank Mom, for the shoes.

Back to wisma.

Church from Sepang-Malaysia invited us to big gala dinner.

Had a dinner.

Pack the food home. (nobody ate it. So, sayang kalo dibuang.)

Go to chinatown for walk. Too full.

Buy nothing.

Back to wisma.

All sleep like babies. With a hurt leg. 


No photos. :D


To be cont...


Before :

Where We Are… : 1. 24 June 2010

Where We Are...  : 2. 25 June 2010

Where We Are...  : 3. 26 June 2010


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PlainBread's picture

Min Nyasar

Seems like your hobby is to get lost. That aint the first one, huh? :)

minmerry's picture

Thats why, Hehe

Exactly, Bread. Haha... And i hate it. Haha. So, thats why, i never try to take a different way when driving or going out alone. 

Maps help a lot. And uncle google, too.


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noni's picture

kayak nobieta

Min, buatlah klub : "Hobi Nyasar" bareng sama nobitea :p

Menurut noni, nyasar kadang-kadang menyenangkan juga. Asal kita tidak sedang dalam posisi terburu-buru dan kita bersama orang yang tepat. Makin nyasar makin asyik, xixixixi.....


nobietea's picture

hush !

hehe... ada nama bie disebut disini. bie memang hobby nyasar, dan sampe sekarang bie masih blum bisa pulang ke rumah kakak bie kalo gak dijemput. jera? nope... sebenernya se yang bikin nyasar bie tau jalan tapi gak tau alamat, jadi kalo mau naek kendaraan umum alhasil bie always nyasar....

tapi walo pun begitu pas oma jolie ke sini, besar sekali iman si oma nanya arah ke bie. oma ndak takut bie bkin nyasar...


maaf.. bie kurang pintar

minmerry's picture

@Noni... ^^

Non, kalo nyasar, trus ada Hape, ada Laptop, ada Map, ada Soda, ada Novel, dan ada Taksi, ada duit.... No problemo. Hahahaha.




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noni's picture


Waaaw...noni SB alias Setuju Banget....!! Hehehe....
