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Nemu waktu blogwalking hihihi....
1. Start Time: 08:19
2. Name: Fay
3. Astrology sign: leo
4. Gender: female
5. Hair color: black
6. Eye color: black
7. Favorite color: marshmellow colours
8. Glasses: yupe
9. Tattoos: nope
10. Hometown: Bangkalan Madura
11. Single or taken: single
12. Siblings names: Miky
******HAVE YOU EVER*****
13. Cut your own hair? yeap, once
14. Did something in the past month that you will regret? nope
15. Skipped school? nope
16. Bungee jumped? nope
17. Punched someone? nope
18. Cheated on a test? Neva dunk hehehe....
19. Been arrested? Nope
20. Broken into someone's house? Neva
21. Been rejected? Nope
22. Been to a funeral? yes, a couple times
23. Used a lighter? nope-lah
24. Been on stage? yep...
25. Season: kemarau
26. Food: Makanan yang berbahan nasi 'n mie (such as nasgor, mie goreng, pangsit mie, dll), puyunghay, soto telor pake koya, pecel, gado-gado, telor petis, tempe penyet, kremes, huaaa jadi laper...
27. Ice cream flavor: chocolate
28. School subject(s): english, computer, drawing hehehe....
29. Candy: Ga gitu suka ngemut permen
30. Breakfast cereal: Energen campur susu
31. Person: parents, ko Lung 'n ce Iin, yang laen ada deh...
32. Book: Tentang topik yang menarik, novel yang lucu, chicklit indo, tentang menulis, banyak deh hehe... Buku yang baru di beli siy ada "From Diary To Be A Story" ama "Chicken Soup For The Writer's Soul"
33. Movie: Disney films (soalnya tentang keluarga - relationship), ...kebanyakan film favorit siy bertema keluarga ato relationship siy hehe... juga suka film romantic comedy
34. Song: Pop, trus musik yang unik (contoh musik yang unik tuh kayak lagunya Tokyo Drift yang Fast 'n Furious - soalnya ada bunyi gamelan, ada rap, pokoknya unik 'n asik!)
35. Park: Kebun di rumah Bangkalan hehehe.... (kalo kebun itu bisa disebut taman hihihi...)
36. Place: My home sweet home of course hehe... There's no place like home...
37. Sport to watch on TV: Ga suka acara sports hehehe..
38. Letter(s): F - A - Y
39. Favorite fast food restaurant: Mie hotplate (suka miho singaporenya 'n nasi apa tuh namanya duh lupa hehehe...), Popeye (ayamnya enak, renyah 'n kering, trus kentangnya juga berbumbu), AW (monas coklatnya doang hehehe...)
40. Disney Princess: Hillary Duff, trus pemerannya Princess Diary tuh siapa namanya? Yah pokoknya mereka berdua itu artis cewek faforitku... aku suka semua film-film mereka
41. TV station: Trans TV
42. Name for a son: Blon mo mikirin
43. Name for a daughter: Blon mo mikirin, dah dibilang juga... hihihi... Kan kudu step by step atuh, ngapain juga mikirin sekarang kalo step awalnya aja belon accomplished?
******DO YOU PREFER*****
44. Chocolate or Vanilla? Coklat dunk!
45. Alcoholic or non? non
46. Long relationships or one night stand? very long, long lasting, once for a lifetime
47. Dogs or cats? Meoww dunk hehehe... kalo anjing lama ga dimandiin bau banget... kalo kucing lama ga dimandiin paling bulunya doang yang kerasa rada kasar...
48. Comedies or scary movies? Comedy
49. Short or long hair? Medium
50. Croutons or bacon bits? Gak dua-duanya
51. Mexicans: Topi khasnya ituh
52. School: Kantin buat nongkrong 'n ngobrol sambil liat-liat temen-temen sekul laennya
53. Cows: milk
54. Hand: ring
55. Talked on the phone? yep
56. Watched a movie? no
57. Cried? yep
58. Smoked? nope
59. Drank a glass of water? Pasti dunk... ga minum aer kering atuh...
60. Done Drugs? nope
61. Read a book or magazine? both
62. Watched TV? nope
63. Looked in the mirror? yep
64. Taken a shower? yep.. aduh penting ga siy hal sehari-hari kayak gini ditanyain... ya pasti-lah tiap ari ngaca 'n mandi...
65. Taken picture? nope
66. Listened to music? yep, ga ada musik sepi dunk
67. Told someone you love them? nope, tapi kalo told someone you miss them, yep
68. End time: 08:55
Comment: Ga genep niy... Harusnya 70 yah? Hehehe....
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